Puzzle Project & Red Sky Digital – 14/08/2009
Puzzle Project has it’s sights firmly set on August’s event where we team up with brand spanking new trance label Red Sky Digital Recordings.
The brainchild of Puzzle Project residents Matt Church and Phil Lankester alongside production partner Kevin Shepherd, the label has been formed to be an outlet of their own music along with up and coming international names such as Adriz, Nathan Cryptic, Luke Warner and Del Strange to name a few.
You will also recognise names like Liam Melly, Ben Alonzi and Estigma appearing on the label with original productions and remixes.
In a short space of time Red Sky has an impressive musical arsenal ready to hit the virtual shelves in September. This event will showcase their music and expose you to the artists of what will be one of the most exciting and diverse trance labels in a very long time.
One artist that is due to appear regularly on Red Sky is the long absent Greg Brookman who has been in Thailand for the majority of the year. We welcome him back to the UK (hopefully to stay) for his first set in the UK in over 7 months!
As an incredible producer and performer, we know you will be in safe hands when this man appears!
We are also extremely delighted to welcome along Jimmy Dean who is resident at the multi award-winning Storm and Xstatic. Jimmy has had recent success with his productions on Tidy and the continuing growth of both of his brands.
Considered as one of the hardest working men in hard dance, Jimmy heads up the August roster.
So in full you can expect to see:
Jimmy Dean (Storm & Xstatic)
Greg Brookman (1st UK Set in 7 Months)
Matt Church
Ben Bennett
Kevin Shepherd (Classic Trance Set)

Puzzle Project & Red Sky Digital

Puzzle Project & Red Sky Digital
Two small rooms, with an excellent atmosphere.
Fully refurbished the 414 boasts a wicked sound system & intelligent lighting. The legendary 414 leads from the front, renowned for its friendly but firm door staff, the smiling and helpful bar staff, club management and even its fish…!
Sound system: 5k Community Sound System /2 Technics Decks / Alan & Heath Mixer / Monitor + Amp / CDJ’S.
Lighting: 6x Martin MX10 with Freekie controller Sound to light.
4 x Martin 250 sound to light.
3 x Martin Acrobats sound to light.
2 x UV guns.
1 x Green Laser and Controller + 4 Mirror balls.
1 x Smoke Machine + Fluid.
1 x 3D Video Film Projector & 6ft Screen.
Ark- line Strobe.
Door Policy: Best behaviour.
Come out of Brixton tube station, turn left then from the KFC turn left into Coldharbour Lane and 414 is 3 minutes walk on your left hand side.