Puzzle Projet – 08/08/2008
So, we’re over half way through the year and well into those summer months, and what a great time we’ve had in 2008 so far? Ibiza, festivals, barbeques and general naughtiness have all had a part to play, and so have the Puzzle Project parties…
As we head towards our last party of our 3rd year, we’re not going to let things die down, not in the least. August 8th sees some fantastic talent gracing the Puzzle decks (no surprises there then) in the shape of 2 acts who have been intrumental in forming the shape of modern dance music in recent years…
Headlining the night we have super-producer, Ali Wilson! Back on home territory (#1 resident at the legendary Milk, as those of us old enough will remember) after a good portion of time, one of Carl Cox’s favourite producers and all round party monster Ali will be showcasing his world dominating sound in an all too rare UK appearance! Ali has either worked with or gained support from just about every headlining name in the trance and hard dance scenes, and continues to gain massive support from the global dance scene in general! For thos of you not familiar with the sound of now, check out the latest releases on Tekelec to see what all the fuss is about. Or even better, come and witness Mr Wilson’s sound up close and personal!
We also welcome back some of the hottest property on the hard dance scene in the shape of MDA and Spherical this month. Matt and Mark have, as we all know made a serious impression on the hard dance scene, with some massive gigs under their belt – think Tidy Weekenders to street festivals in Europe! They’ve had releases and remixes on all the main labels, and are in constant demand for their studio expertise, repeatedly joining other big guns like Alf Bamford and Steve Hill to create gold in the studio. It’s been around a while, and it’s maturing nicely, but welcome to the future anyway…
Our third guest for the evening offers DJing talent far beyond that which has ever been seen before. With countless hours of experience playing out at such quality events as In The Bedroom, Lounge Fever, Saturday Morning Crack-On and That House Party to name but a few, it’s high time this DJ shone at London’s best loved eclectic monthly! We heard the demo and believed in them from the first mix… we couldn’t turn down the chance to book them for their debut at Puzzle Project, could we? But just who is this walking bucket of skill? Well we don’t quite know yet… but it could be anybody! Read below for full details…
On top of all this, as per usual we have the exceptional residential talents of Libra 9 (aka. Phil Lankester), Matt (run, Forest run) Church, IDJ’s Gordon Darley, and Impact Digital main man, Ben Bennett!
For our last party before we turn the grand old age of three, we thought it high time we ran our first ever DJ competition to unleash he or she who could become the next big thing on the world. The competition is open to all DJs of any level who play anything from house, breaks or psy, through to trance, hardstyle, hard dance and even freeform…
How to enter…
This couldn’t be simpler; just send a link (MUST be for download via yousendit or your own webs pace – we will not listen to streams and will not accept mixes as attachments to e-mail as it is too time consuming for us, sorry) by Monday 28th July. Links to be sent to [email protected]. The winner will be announced on 5th August.
Please specify the following in your entry e-mail:
– DJ name
– Real name
– Style
– Website (if any)
– Contact details including e-mail address and phone number
– Date mixed and on what equipment
– Any previous DJing experience
The prize…
Not only does the competition winner get to play at this event, but they will also be interviewed for our website and mail-out, gaining them some great exposure. On top of that, the winning demo will be forwarded to 5 top UK promoters along with the interview to help them on their way… can’t say fairer than that can we?!
So there you have it people, action packed or what?! Not content with all that though, we wanted to let you know some huge news regarding our birthday in September. That news is that we have confirmed BK, Darren Tate and Organ Donors, and Steelo to join us. More details coming very soon…

Puzzle Projet

Puzzle Projet
Two small rooms, with an excellent atmosphere.
Fully refurbished the 414 boasts a wicked sound system & intelligent lighting. The legendary 414 leads from the front, renowned for its friendly but firm door staff, the smiling and helpful bar staff, club management and even its fish…!
Sound system: 5k Community Sound System /2 Technics Decks / Alan & Heath Mixer / Monitor + Amp / CDJ’S.
Lighting: 6x Martin MX10 with Freekie controller Sound to light.
4 x Martin 250 sound to light.
3 x Martin Acrobats sound to light.
2 x UV guns.
1 x Green Laser and Controller + 4 Mirror balls.
1 x Smoke Machine + Fluid.
1 x 3D Video Film Projector & 6ft Screen.
Ark- line Strobe.
Door Policy: Best behaviour.
Come out of Brixton tube station, turn left then from the KFC turn left into Coldharbour Lane and 414 is 3 minutes walk on your left hand side.